Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So frustrated

I hate when you have everything planned and things just do not go your way. I had all these ideas for today....and it was all thrown in my face. Especially since it was such a nice day out today, and a I barely even got to enjoy it. And now....I don't know. It's just so...frustrating. I guess the point of this is to rant...which is helpful only for me. But I guess that's how it goes.

No one is worth your tears, and if they're really worth it, they won't make you cry. Someone who's offending you is not worth your tears. And what's worse, by letting them offend you, you're setting yourself up to continue suffereing, by obessessing over and over about the insult, which is like rehashing the expereince over and over in your mind, which only makes you more and more upset. Releasing the image of the slander or insult will provide release. So why do I get upset? Maybe I have to realize that they have limiations like everyone else; and if they lack grace, compassion and wisdom, it's not my problem-it is really theirs.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32

I think I'm overly sensitive sometimes, and I think it's something that I need to work on. As a result, I care more about other people's emotions and often more than my own. But when the hurt builds up and becomes too much, I want to explode. I know it's not healthy, and definatly not cool.

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