Sunday, January 31, 2010

People say that you should write what you know. I used to write books with characters that resembled my friends. They could tell-and some weren't very happy with it. Others would make comments-

"Do you really think I act like that?" (I'm afraid so...I didn't even add anything to be funny, that is how you are)

"Why can't I be described as someone with a perfect body?" (um, because you don't have one? The only person who has that is Barbie and sorry, but she's not real)

"How come she gets a boyfriend?" (um, cause she really has a boyfriend in real life and you've never had one, so I don't even know how you'd act with one...).

That's when I decided that maybe I should make the characters so far from real life that they couldn't be passed off as my friends. But I had been writing my friends as characters for so long, that they still ended up being in the stories, they just had extra qualities, different types of humor, or different colored hair. But in essense, it was still basically them.

You know what I think? We can try to change who we are-we can color our hair, pick up new hobbies, tell jokes we don't think our funny-but the still us will always be there. Just because you try to change who you are to impress someone doesn't mean you've "lost" who you are-it just means you've hidden it while you tried on a different "you". But you should know that the original you is great and you should keep it in your life. Why trade in who you were created to be? Why change who God wants you to be?

And you want to know what else is funny? I was going to change my blog style-try to write in a different way, but why should I do that? Just because no one comments on my blogs does not mean that it isn't helping someone in someway. It's helping me just to write out my thoughts, although I also have journals for that. But when I do decide to write, it's always inspiring to me and helpful. So that's why I'm not changing my style.


Linz said...

i don't think you should try to change something that's personal to you. i can see the sense of changing a business plan or even certain fashion styles if it doesn't work for you. but something as personal as a blog shouldn't be changed to cater to the public if the intent is to express your thoughts. :)

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

It'r true that you shouldn't change yourself just for the look or to appease someone; but if the change is for good and if you know you will like it and it will spread joy, then go for it! :)
